Friday, 25 August 2017

Creating a Library in Oracle in Unix/Linux

In this blog, I would demonestrate how to write an external procedure in C and build as a Shared Object(*.so) and publish the same as an Oracle Library which can be called as PL/SQL Stored Procedure or Function in our programs. 
I am defining a function in C to Reverse a String. The signature is given below. 

  1. char *reverseString(char *);  

This function taken a String argument and return the reverse of the String. 

Following are the Steps to Define the Library. 

  • Create an Header file to Include the Signature of the Function. I have named this file as OracleLibraryExample.h.

    1. #ifndef _ORACLE_LIBRARY_EXAMPLE_  
    2.       #define _ORACLE_LIBRARY_EXAMPLE_             
    3.           extern char *reverseString(char *);  
    4. #endif  

  • Create OracleLibraryExample.c File and define the Function reverseString.

    1. #include "OracleLibraryExample.h"  
    2. #include<stdio.h>  
    3. #include<string.h>  
    4. #include<stdlib.h>  
    5.     char *reverseString(char *text) {  
    6.         int length=strlen(text);  
    7.         int i=0;  
    8.         int i_idx;  
    9.         char *tmpStr=malloc(length*sizeof(char *));  
    10.         printf("Size of the String %d\n",length);  
    11.         printf("String :%s\n",text);  
    12.         for(i_idx=length-1;i_idx>=0;i_idx--)    {  
    13.                 *(tmpStr+i++)=text[i_idx];  
    14.         }  
    15.         *(tmpStr+i)='\0';  
    16.         return tmpStr;  
    17.     }

    Compile the *.c Files and Make it as Shared Object files(.so) files.

    1. gcc -c -Wall -Werror -fpic OracleLibraryExample.c  
    2. gcc -shared -o OracleLibraryExample.o  
    3. This will generate a Shared Library (.so) file(  

  • Login to Oracle Server machine through Unix Terminal.

  • export the ORACLE_HOME,ORACLE_SID,LDD_LIBRARY_PATH if it is not set already.

  • Create a new Schema say "Zenith" to create & test the Shared libraries.

  • Grant necessary privileges to "Zenith" such as CREATE PROCEDURE, EXECUTE PROCEDURE and CREATE LIBRARY etc.

  • Create a Library in this Schema.

    1. CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY lib_string_function_sample AS '/home/oracle/libTest/';  

    Publish the Function and Create a Wrapper to Call the C routine.

    1. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reverse_string(text varchar2)   
    2. RETURN varchar2  
    4. AS LANGUAGE C  
    5. LIBRARY lib_string_function_sample  
    6. NAME "reverseString"  
    7. parameters(text string);  
    8. /  

  • Stop the Listener.

  • Edit the listener.ora file in the directory $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin.

    1. EXT_LISTENER =  
    2.   (DESCRIPTION_LIST =  
    3.     (DESCRIPTION =  
    4.       (ADDRESS_LIST =  
    5.         (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)  
    6.                    (KEY = EXTPROC1523)  
    7.         )  
    8.       )  
    9.     )  
    10.   )  
    12.   (SID_LIST =  
    13.     (SID_DESC =  
    14.       (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)  
    15.       (ORACLE_HOME = /opt/ora12c/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1 )  
    16.       (PROGRAM = extproc)  
    17.     (ENVS="EXTPROC_DLLS=ONLY:/home/oracle/libTest/,LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/ora12c/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/lib")  
    18.     )  
    19.   )  
    20. Save & Exit

  • Edit the tnsnames.ora files. Add the following.

    2.   (DESCRIPTION =  
    3.     (ADDRESS_LIST =  
    4.       (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC)  
    5.                  (KEY = EXTPROC1523)  
    6.       )  
    7.     )  
    8.     (CONNECT_DATA =  
    9.       (SID = PLSExtProc)  
    10.       (PRESENTATION = RO)  
    11.     )  
    12.   )  

    Start the listener by executing lsnrctl start.

    1. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/home/oracle/libTest  

  • Start sqlplus and check whether library is working.

    1. SQL> SELECT reverse_string('Hello Welcome to Oracle Library') FROM dual;  
    4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    5. yrarbiL elcarO ot emocleW olleH  

  • If the library is accessing through SQL Developer you might get the below error.

    1. ORA-28595: Extproc agent : Invalid DLL Path   
    2. 2859500000 - "Extproc agent : Invalid DLL Path"   
    3. *Cause: The path of DLL supplied for the extproc execution is invalid.   
    4. *Action: Check if the DLL path is set properly using the EXTPROC_DLLS   
    5. environment variable.   

    To rectify this error, you need to set an enironment variable in your local machine as shown below. 

    1. SET  EXTPROC_DLLS=ONLY:/home/oracle/libTest/  

    Now start the SQL Developer and execute the function, you will get the expected result. 

    Wow !!! Thats amazing.. 

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